Willow Waltz

Music – Waltz 3/4
Tempo – 45 measures of 3 beats -135 beats per minute
Pattern – Set

Patterns, Step Charts & Additional Information

The dance should be started at the point marked ‘START’ in the diagram on the judges left side.  
Man: RFO (3), LFO (2), chasse RFI, steps 20 to 22;
Lady: RFO (3), LFO (3), steps 20 to 22

Erect carriage and waltz rhythm should be maintained throughout the dance. Partners should skate close together and strive for neat footwork. Good flow and pace are desirable and should be strived for without
obvious effort and visible pushing.

The Willow Waltz is skated in closed hold throughout. Steps 1 and 2 are chasse steps for both partners.

Steps 5 and 6 for the man form an inside open mohawk with a threebeat RFI leading into it and a three- beat LBI leading out. Step 6 for the lady (and step 19 for the man) may be skated, optionally, as a slide chasse, in which case the free foot slides off the ice in front of the skater to match the partner’s free leg at this step.
The lady’s step 8 is a three turned on a beat three. Steps 9, 10 and 11 form a progressive sequence for both partners and are followed by a chasse sequence, steps 12 and 13. The man’s step 14 is a three turned on beat three; (NOTE: not a European Waltz type of three as it is not a cross roll takeoff).

Steps 18 and 19 form an inside open mohawk for the lady with each step held for three beats. Step 19 for the man may be skated optionally as a slide chasse.

Steps 20, 21 and 22 are a progressive sequence for both partners.

Inventor – George Muller
First Performed – Crystal Ice Palace, Willow Springs (Chicago), 1953