Short Dance (2010-2018)

Short Dance (2010-2018)

Starting with the 2010-11 season, the ice dance event featured a short dance and a free dance.  Below is information compiled each season from the ISU Communications.

SEASON: 2017-2018 For more information, review ISU Communication #2019.


Rhythms:  Any number of following Latin American Rhythms: Cha Cha, Rhumba, Samba, Mambo, Meringue, Salsa, Bachata and any closely related Latin American or Caribbean Rhythms.  The Pattern Dance Element can be skated to any of the above mentioned Rhythms in the style of the chosen Latin American Rhythms, in the style of this Rhythm, with the following range of tempo: 172-180 beats per minute. The tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Element must be constant.

Latin American Rhythms are described in the ISU Ice Dance Music Rhythms Booklet 1995, pages 13 to 20 (Note: Tango and Paso Doble, which are not included in the description, are not allowed).

Required Elements – Pattern Dance Element:
One (1) Sequence of Rhumba comprised of Steps #1-16 plus #1-4.  (one Sequence of the Rhumba plus the restart of the next Sequence up to Step 4) The Step #1 of the Pattern Dance Element skated on the Judges’ left side.

The description, chart and diagrams of the Pattern Dances are included in the ISU Handbook Ice Dance 2003.  The other Required Elements to be published in a subsequent Communication.



Rhythms:  Any number of following Latin American Rhythms: Cha Cha, Rhumba, Samba, Mambo, Meringue, Salsa, Bachata and any closely related Latin American or Caribbean Rhythms.  The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Cha Cha Rhythm, in the style of the Cha Cha, with the following range of tempo: 28 to 30 measures of four beats per minute (112-120 beats per minute). The tempo of music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant. 

Latin American Rhythms are described in the ISU Ice Dance Music Rhythms Booklet 1995, pages 13 to 20 (Note: Tango and Paso Doble, which are not included in the description, are not allowed).

Required Elements – Pattern Dance Element:
Two (2) Sections of Cha Cha Congelado, Section 1: Steps #1-12 and Section 2: Steps #13-38 skated one after the other, Section 1 followed by Section 2, with Step #1 skated on the Judges’ opposite side.

The description, chart and diagrams of the Pattern Dances are included in the ISU Handbook Ice Dance 2003.  The other Required Elements to be published in a subsequent Communication.


SEASON: 2016-2017 For more information, review ISU Communication #1998.


Pattern Dance:  One (1) Section of Midnight Blues comprised of Steps #5-14 (The original prescribed Step #5 is the first Step of the Pattern Dance Element, and the original prescribed Step #14 is the last Step of the Pattern Dance Element). These Steps must be placed in the rink with Step #5 on the opposite side from the Judges and with the Steps following the specified pattern for the Midnight Blues.

Rhythms:  Blues, plus one or more of the following Rhythms: Swing, Hip Hop.  The Pattern Dance Element must be skated on the Blues Rhythm.  The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Element must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo and character of the Pattern Dance: Midnight Blues, i.e. 22 measures of 4 beats or 88 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.  The Not Touching Step Sequence must be skated on one of the other rhythms: either Swing or Hip Hop. 

Step Sequence(s):  Senior dancers must complete one (1) Partial Step Sequence in Hold:

  • Pattern:  approximately  one  half  circuit  of  the  ice  surface  starting  immediately  after original prescribed Step #14 of the Midnight Blues and finishing at approximately the same point as the original prescribed Step #5 of the Midnight Blues;
  • Duration:  any exact number of musical measures;
  • Holds: by exception to Rule  703, paragraph  4, first bullet, Hand-in-
    Hand  Hold with extended arms cannot be established and partners must remain in contact at all times, even during changes of Holds and during Twizzles;
  • The Partial Step Sequence must be skated to the same Tune and Tempo as the PDE Midnight Blues.

Senior dancers must also complete one (1) Not Touching Midline, Diagonal or Circular Step Sequence skated to a different rhythm than the Blues.

Dance Lift:  The short dance can contain not more than one (1) Short Lift.

Twizzles:  One set of Sequential Twizzles is allowed.

Note:  The Dance Spin is not a Required Element in a Senior Short Dance. Nevertheless, a Dance Spin or spinning movement skated outside the Step Sequence by the couple together in any hold around common axis on one foot (or two feet) with any number of rotations is permitted. A couple may choose to use this movement as part of their choreography. The Technical Panel will ignore these movements and the Judges will not consider these movements as one of the permitted stops.

The Dance Spin performed in the Partial Step Sequence and/or in the Not Touching Step Sequence  for Senior  shall  be considered  by  the  Judges  as  a  Stop,  which  will  be considered as a Not Permitted Element.


Pattern Dance: Two (2) Sequences of Blues, either skated one after the other or separately. Step #1 of each Sequence must be skated on a different side of the ice surface.

Rhythms:  Blues, plus one or more of the following Rhythms: Swing, Hip Hop.  The Pattern Dance Element must be skated on the Blues Rhythm.  The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Element must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo and character of the Pattern Dance: Blues, i.e. 22 measures of 4 beats or 88 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.  The Not Touching Step Sequence must be skated on one of the other rhythms: either Swing or Hip Hop. 

Step Sequence:  Junior dancers must complete one (1) Not Touching Midline, Diagonal or Circular Step Sequence skated to a different rhythm than the Blues.

Dance Lift:  The short dance can contain not more than one (1) Short Lift.

Twizzles:  One set of Sequential Twizzles is allowed.

Note:  The Dance Spin is not a Required Element in a Junior Short Dance. Nevertheless, a Dance Spin or spinning movement skated outside the Step Sequence by the couple together in any hold around common axis on one foot (or two feet) with any number of rotations is permitted. A couple may choose to use this movement as part of their choreography. The Technical Panel will ignore these movements and the Judges will not consider these movements as one of the permitted stops.

The Dance Spin performed in the Not Touching Step Sequence  for  Junior  shall  be considered  by  the  Judges  as  a  Stop,  which  will  be considered as a Not Permitted Element.

SEASON: 2015-2016 For more information, review ISU Communication #1932.


Pattern Dance:  Two (2) Sections of Ravensburger Waltz skated one after the Section 1 (Steps #1-19) followed by Section 2 (Steps #20-41), with Step # 1 skated on the Judges’ left side.

Rhythms:  Waltz, plus any number of the following Rhythms: Foxtrot, March, Polka. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Waltz Rhythm, in any Waltz style.  The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Element must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo of the Pattern Dance Ravensburger Waltz, i.e. 66 measures of three beats or 198 beats per minute, plus or minus 3 beats per minute.

Step Sequence:  Senior dancers must complete one (1) Partial Step Sequence in Hold.  The Partial Step Sequence must be skated on one of the other Rhythms selected for the season, in the style of that Rhythm. The tempo of the music throughout the Partial Step Sequence is not specified, but must be constant.

Dance Lift:  The short dance can contain not more than one (1) Short Lift.

Twizzles:  One set of Sequential Twizzles is allowed.


Pattern Dance: Two (2) Sections of Starlight Waltz skated one after the Section 1 (Steps #1-17) followed by Section 2 (Steps #18-32), with Step # 1 skated on the Judges’ left side.

Rhythms:  Waltz, plus any number of the following Rhythms: Foxtrot, March, Polka. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Waltz Rhythm, in any Waltz style. The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Element must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo of the Pattern Dance Starlight Waltz, i.e. 58 measures of three beats or 174 beats per minute, plus or minus 3 beats per minute.

Step Sequence:  Junior dancers must complete one (1) Not Touching Midline, Diagonal or Circular Step Sequence.

Dance Lift:  The short dance can contain not more than one (1) Short Lift.

Twizzles:  One set of Sequential Twizzles is allowed.

SEASON:  2014-2015


Pattern Dance:  One (1) Pattern Dance Element: Sequence of Paso Doble, with Step # 1 skated on the Judges’ left side, One (1) Partial Step Sequence (further characteristics will be published in a subsequent Communication), skated one after the other, Pattern Dance Element followed by Partial Step Sequence. Rhythms:  One to three Spanish Dance Rhythms.  The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Element and the Partial Step Sequence must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo of the Pattern Dance Paso Doble, i.e. 56 measures of 2 beats or 112 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.


Pattern Dance: Two (2) Sequences of Silver Samba, skated separately.  Step #1 of each Sequence must be skated on a different side if the ice surface.

Rhythms:  Samba or Samba plus one of the following Latin American Rhythms: Rhumba, Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Samba Rhythm, in the style of the Samba.  The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo of the Pattern Dance Silver Samba, i.e. 54 measures of 2 beats or 108 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.

SEASON: 2013-2014


Pattern Dance: Two (2) Sections of Finnstep.  Section 1: Steps #1-27.  Section 2: Steps #28-70 skated one after the other, Section 1 followed by Section 2, with Step # 1 skated on the Judges’ side.

Rhythms: Quickstep or Quickstep plus one or two of the following Rhythms: Foxtrot, Charleston, Swing. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Quickstep Rhythm, in the style of Quickstep. The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant and in accordance with the required Tempo of the Pattern Dance Finnstep, i.e. 52 measures of two beats or 104 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.


Pattern Dance:  Two (2) Sequences of Quickstep, either skated one after the other or separately.  Step #1 of each Sequence must be skated on a different side of the ice surface.

Rhythms: Quickstep or Quickstep plus one of the following Rhythms: Foxtrot, Charleston. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Quickstep Rhythm, in the style of the Quickstep. The Tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant and in accordance with the required.  Tempo of the Pattern Dance Quickstep, i.e. 56 measures of two beats or 112 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.

SEASON: 2012-2013


Pattern Dance: Yankee Polka (2 sections – skated one after the other, with section 1 followed by section 2 and with step #1 skated on the judges’ side.)

Rhythms:  Polka, March, Waltz One to three of the above mentioned rhythms. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Polka Rhythm, in any style of Polka. The tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant and in accordance with the required tempo of the Pattern Dance Yankee Polka, i.e. 60 measures of two beats or 120 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute. Polka, March, Waltz, Blues and Swing are described in the ISU Ice Dance Music Rhythms Booklet 1995 (Note: the description of Swing covers several different Rhythms, which are acceptable).


Pattern Dance: Blues (2 sequences – either skated one after the other or separately.  Step #1 of each sequence must be skated on a different side of the ice surface.)

Rhythms:  Blues, plus one of the following rhythms: Swing or Hip Hop. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Blues Rhythm, in any style of Blues. The tempo of music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant and in accordance with the required tempo of the Pattern Dance Blues, i.e. 22 measures of four beats or 88 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute. Hip Hop is described in the Additions to the ISU Ice Dance Music Rhythms Booklet 1995 (see ISU Website).

SEASON: 2011-2012


Pattern Dance:   Rhumba (2 patterns – either skated one after the other or not skated one after the other).

Rhythms: Latin American (Cha Cha, Rhumba, Samba, Mambo, Merengue) One to three of the above mentioned rhythms.  Tango & Paso Doble are NOT allowed. The Pattern Dance Elements can be skated to any of the above mentioned Rhythms (both elements to the same Rhythm or one element to one Rhythm and the second element to a different Rhythm), in the style of this (these) Rhythm(s), with the following range of tempo: 43 to 45 measures of four beats per minute (172-180 beats per minute). The tempo of the music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant.


Pattern Dance:  Cha Cha Congelado (2 patterns – skated one after the other).

Rhythms: Latin American (Cha Cha, Rhumba, Samba, Mambo, Merengue) Cha Cha or Cha Cha plus one of the above mentioned rhythms.  Tango & Paso Doble are NOT allowed. The Pattern Dance Elements must be skated on the Cha Cha Rhythm, in the style of the Cha Cha, with the following range of tempo: 28 to 30 measures of four beats per minute (112-120 beats per minute). The tempo of music throughout the Pattern Dance Elements must be constant.

SEASON: 2010-2011


Pattern Dance:  Golden Waltz (1 pattern)

Rhythms:  Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Tango Pattern dance plus one to two of the above mentioned rhythms.


Pattern Dance:  Viennese Waltz (2 patterns)

Rhythms: Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Tango Pattern dance plus one to two of the above mentioned rhythms.