JGP Courchevel: Samba! Samba! Samba!

Samba! Samba! Samba! Today was our second practice and we decided to do our samba short dance. Today felt good. I felt confident on the ice and I finally got my feet under me. Everything came a lot easier and I can not wait for tomorrow. 

Day 3 – Second practice day. 

The day started off later for me since I didn’t have practice until two o’clock. I woke up at 9 with Chase and we went upstairs to get breakfast. There we met up with Paolo, Emily, and Chloe. We all sat, ate breakfast together, and drooled and fantasized over our chocolate croissants. After breakfast, I headed down to my room and laid around for an hour or so reading the book I brought with me, The Book Thief.

Around noon, I changed into my practice outfit and headed out to the rink. As I said earlier we did our short dance and it went well. 

After our practices, Emily, Chloe, Chase, and I waited and watched Amber do her short program. We were completely decked out in necklaces, glasses, and we all had pom poms and USA flags. She skated beautifully and was completely stunning to watch. I can’t wait to see and cheer for her during the long tomorrow. I was able to watch Chase skate on live stream, but not Paolo because I had to go to bed. 

Now let me talk about something Chase loves to talk about… 

Food! Food! Food! Oh my goodness! There was this incredible little bakery inside the rink. BEST. ÉCLAIRS. EVER. They were just heavenly. Then for dinner, my coach, team leader, family, and I all got burgers at a place near the rink. Those were also incredible. I’m sure Chase will talk about it more in his blog. I’m actually most positive he already has.

Anyway, I have to go to bed now because I have an early practice. Competition tomorrow! 


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