Getting to Know: Hilary Asher & Kyle Pearson

IDC is highlighting some of the new partnerships that are debuting in the 2019-20 competitive season. Hilary Asher & Kyle Pearson of the U.S. are the next team we are featuring in this season’s series. Off-ice photo by Melanie Heaney.
Tell us about your individual skating journey.
HA: I started doing singles like everyone does, but I have wanted to skate with a partner since I was little. I skated pairs for about 8 years and loved it. However, I jump clockwise and the figure skating world didn’t embrace and encourage mirror pairs, so this year I transitioned to ice dance. Its been a difficult transition, but I’ve reconnected with my passion for figure skating. I love that I am able to focus on my positions and presentation without having to worry about the jumps and throws in between. I’m very excited to see what the season holds for me and my partner.
KP: I started skating competitively when I was 7 but by the age of 16 I was ready to move on from the sport. My coaches called me in for a meeting and convinced me to give ice dance a try. After finding a partner, I quickly realized that I had a passion for ice dance and continued on my skating journey. This is currently my fifth year in ice dance and my first year skating for the United States. I am very excited to see what Hilary and I can accomplish this coming season.
Tell us about how our partnership started.
We both had done many tryouts before we noticed each other on Kyle came down to Texas in May and we really enjoyed skating together. Kyle also liked the culture and coaches in Dallas, so he took the opportunity to experience another country and different way of life by moving down.
What do you like most about skating with your partner.
HA: We can joke and have fun, but also stay focused when needed. It doesn’t matter where we are, we find a way to laugh.
KP: I like that she always pushes me to be the best I can be and push limits that I set for myself.
If you could have a lesson from any ice dancer past/present who would it be?
HA: Chris Reed because he understands how I skate since he did pairs like I did and corrects me in a way I can understand. He’s one of my favorite ice dance coaches I’ve ever worked with.
KP: Marie France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon because they taught my idols, Tessa [Virtue] and Scott [Moir].
Can you give us some background on your programs this season?
Our rhythm dance uses two songs from Hairspray. We chose the first because it had a very distinct foxtrot rhythm so we wanted it for the pattern portion. The second song we chose because it is so much fun and keeps us smiling and dancing through our footwork. It was choreographed by Pasquale and we have fun playing the characters. Hilary chose the music for our free program. It is a beautiful lyrical song from Hozier called “Movement”. It is a powerful piece that portrays a complex relationship between us, kind of like a “Ross and Rachel” type situation from our favorite show.
Is there anything you would like our readers to know about you?
We have a lot of fun together and on weekends you can find us hanging out a car show or riding in a local rodeo.