Getting to Know: Angela Ling & Caleb Wein

IDC is highlighting some of the new partnerships that are debuting in the 2019-20 competitive season. Angela Ling & Caleb Wein of the U.S. are the next team we are featuring in this season’s series.  Photos by Team IDC photographer Emily Wein.


Tell us about your individual skating journeys.
AL: I first started learning to skate in the CanSkate program at the Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club (KWSC) when I was 4. I started competing in both freestyle and ice dance when I was 7. I stayed in KWSC and continued to compete in both disciplines until last season when I decided to focus on just dance and shifted most of my training to Ilderton Skating Club.

CW: I first took a skating class with my local parks and recreation program at the age of 4. I got into ice dancing when I joined the Wheaton Ice Skating Academy at the age of 6. I’ve been honored to be a member of Team USA. I’ve competed across the US, in Germany, Japan, Latvia, Armenia, Poland, and Canada. My former partnership lasted for more than six years. After my partner retired from skating, I knew I wanted to continue skating competitively and started looking for a new partner.

Tell us about how your partnership started.
We both were in search of a partner when one of Caleb’s coaches noticed Angela’s profile on a website and asked her to come for a tryout. It felt right for both of us. At first it was challenging for Angela to make the big decision to move from Canada in the middle of a school year, but in the end it was the right thing to do.

What do you like most about skating with your partner?
AL: Caleb has lots of cool, unique ideas to enhance our skating, which is always really interesting and fun to work with and incorporate into our programs. We are both dedicated to our skating and are willing to put in the effort to achieve our goals.

CW:: We both like working hard and work well together. Angela always has a positive attitude and is fun to work with. She isn’t afraid of challenges and is always willing to put in extra time and effort. 

Can you give us some background on your programs this season?
Our free dance is to baroque style music but we are taking a modern dance approach with our dancing and movement style. It is loosely inspired by a performance by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater of Wayne McGregor’s Kairos, which is danced to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. As the season progresses, we look to take this modern style forward to create something unique and exciting.

Is there anything you would like our readers to know about you as a team?
We look forward to performing for everyone in this first season together and we hope that people will take the time to watch us and hopefully come out to see us live.

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