
Emmy Bronsard, Ice Dancer

by Anne Calder | Photos by Melanie Heaney Emmy Bronsard is a Canadian figure skater who grew up in Montreal with her mom and dogs, The 19 year-old is a…

The Evolution of Compulsory Dances 

by Morgan Matthews Pennington Utter the words “compulsory dances” to a group of young ice dancers and you’re likely to elicit groans. The set steps, rigid patterns, and most of…

Additional RD quotes from the first teams

by Anne Calder Thirty-six ice dance couples competed in the Rhythm Dance at the recent 2024 World Championships. IDC chatted with many of the athletes who made their debuts and…

Saying Goodbye to the 1980’s RD Theme

Article & Photos by Anne Calder & Gina Capellazzi The music requirements for the 2023-2024 Rhythm Dance included “Music and Feeling of the Eighties”. Any music was possible provided it was…

Recap: 2024 World Championships

by Matteo Morelli After having lost its chance to host the event in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Montreal could finally deliver the World Figure Skating Championships this year,…