Team IDC

Team IDC

Parsons siblings win first JGP gold

by Anne Calder | Photo by Liz Chastney The first competition of the ISU JGP series held in Bratislava, Slovakia, August 19-23 welcomed ice dancers from 11 countries to compete for medals, points, and prize money. SHORT DANCE: The 2015-16…

2015 JGP Riga Cup Blog #1: Sveiki!

Sveiki!!!  (Hi!) Feel great this morning! That long night of sleep after being up for 30 hours did some magic.  Had a nice breakfast with Anthony and left for our first practice.  The rink’s name is the VOLVO SPORTA CENTRS,…

Teams head to Latvia for JGP #2

by Laura Flagg | Photo by Robin Ritoss The second Junior Grand Prix event takes place this week in Riga, Latvia.  15 ice dance teams from 11 different countries will compete. Betina Popova & Yuri Vlasenko (pictured, right) are the…