Team IDC

Team IDC

McNamara, Carpenter win JGP USA

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA (elevation – 6,200‘) hosted its first Junior Grand Prix event September 2-6. Pikes Peak served as a stunning background for the Olympic Training Center where the skaters were housed. Prior to arrival, many of the athletes…

2015 JGP USA Blog #3: Loving the OTC

Hey, it’s me again! It was another wonderful day here in Colorado Springs. We got to sleep in again which was heavenly-I don’t think I’ve mentioned how much I love the beds in the OTC, haha! After doing some school…

2015 JGP USA Blog #1: #ColoradoSprings is pleased to have Team USA member Chloe Lewis blogging for us from the Junior Grand Prix USA event in Colorado Springs.  Hi! I am so excited to be blogging about my JGP Colorado Springs experience! Our first day…

Teams are Colorado-bound for JGP #3

by Laura Flagg | Photo by Daphne Backman This week, 14 ice dance teams from 10 different countries head to Colorado Springs, Colorado to compete in the third Junior Grand Prix event of the season. As the reigning U.S. junior…

Russians take gold in Riga

by Anne Calder The caravan carrying ice dancers on their journey to earn points to qualify for the Junior Grand Prix Final made its second stop August 26-30 at Riga, Latvia. SHORT DANCE: 

The 2015-16 junior short dance requirements include…