2011 Ice Challenge Blog #4

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Hello Everyone!

Today started off once again with our delicious breakfast bright and early this Friday morning. After we ate, we headed to the rink for our FD warm-up, which was, unfortunately, in the practice rink. However, I noticed today that something was different outside. I thought and thought and then it came to me, “Oh right! That’s what the sun looks like!” It has been quite the dreary week here in Graz, and today is the first day it’s been sunny since we’ve arrived. Luckily the sun = warmer outdoor rink!

We had a great practice that went by extremely fast and then went back to the hotel to kill some time before FD. Once we got back to the hotel, Karen and I headed out to walk around in the beautiful weather we were having and to grab some more souvenirs. First we had to find the post office so Karen could buy stamps, and then the ATM so I could exchange some money. We went into three stores before we actually found them (after getting countless directions by strangers). After that small step back, we were off to shop once again. I am happy to say that I am completely done my souvenir shopping and can’t wait to give everyone their gifts! Once I was done shopping, I headed back to the hotel to take a nap and relax before going to the rink to compete.

Before I knew it, my alarm went off and it was time for me to wake up and get this party started! The rink was a little chilly again, but once I started our FD the thought went completely out of my head. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but they started our music before we even got into position! I now know that you should stop and go to the referee if this happens, especially if you purposely stand still for 3 seconds due to the fact that your music is 3 seconds too long. Luckily we didn’t get a deduction, but now I know what to do!

bellablog-11graz-medalsI was extremely happy with our FD today! We received really good GOEs and levels — except for our footwork, but that’s okay. This was the first competition in a while Ian and I have successfully done two well-executed programs and gave it our all. I am extremely proud of that! And hey, second isn’t too bad either! 😉

Once we finished competing we sprinted to catch the bus at 6:30 — which we missed because the bus is about 1/2 a mile from the rink. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but it’s quite the hike. Anyway, we took a cab instead and then we were off to dinner.

Graz is packed on Friday nights! Every restaurant in town has reservations or is already packed. We luckily got a seat at our hotel’s restaurant, but for a second there I thought we would have to eat apples from the lobby for dinner. I tried my first “German” food tonight, which was red cabbage. I know, I know, not “very” German, but hey, when the only meat you eat is chicken, it’s hard to find a something German! It was extremely delicious, and I had it with a side of Brussels sprouts and some bread. Probably sounds gross to a lot of you, but it was fantastic!

After dinner we headed back to the rink for our award ceremony. We got there an hour early because the bus schedule is a little crazy, so we grabbed some coffee and caught up with our social networking thanks to the AMAZING free WiFi. Did I mention yet that I love free WiFi? 😉

Finally the time came to get the award ceremony going! It was a great feeling seeing two American flags on the screen, and to hear our National Anthem playing while receiving our medals. Also, not only did we get medals, but we also got a chocolate bar! (which I have already eaten and it was delish!)

That about sums up my Friday here in Graz! Tomorrow I have some last minute sightseeing/possible shopping I want to do, and then we have the IceGala tomorrow night! Should be a fun show!

Also, Congrats to everyone in Graz and Cup of China today! GO USA!

Talk to you soon!


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